Does the dampness of the material affect the printing effect?

Zhengzhou New Century Digital Technology Co., Ltd.

 There are many factors that affect the printing effect of the printing machine. The dampness of the printed material is one of them, especially in the humid weather. Therefore, users of the stormjet inkjet printing machine must pay attention to this point. It is best to save the material and not let it get wet.
1. The use environment of the inkjet printing machine should pay attention to moisture   
For example, the cover of the stormjet printing machine should be covered to avoid short circuit of related circuit boards and components caused by air humidity. Close the doors and windows to prevent the moist air outside from entering the room. If the air conditioner is installed in the working space, the air conditioner can be turned on to dehumidify.
2. The speed of drying the image on the media after printing out   
The air humidity is large, and the color of the picture is slow to dry. Especially for the large area of color pictures such as red and black, it takes a long time to completely dry. Users can use electric hair dryers, machine heating dryers, etc.
3.The printing paper media materials should pay attention to moisture   
The use and storage of stormjet inkjet printer materials should pay attention to moisture protection. Many users do not pay attention to the storage of materials. They are often stacked randomly. The damp materials are very easy to cause ink to spread and other phenomena.Therefore, you should pay attention to the storage of materials. After each use, put them back in the original packaging and place them on a special shelf in a suspended manner. Do not touch the ground and the wall. This can effectively prevent the media from being affected by moisture.
The above three points of attention must pay attention to the use of the printing machine in a humid climate environment.
Stormjet Inkjet Printing Machine

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