Reasons of printhead damage

Zhengzhou New Century Digital Technology Co., Ltd.

Stormjet wide format printers have been widely used in advertising, office, drawing printing, etc. While bringing a lot of convenience to everyone, there are also some minor problems. Let's talk about the reasons why the printhead is easy to damage.
1. Since Chinese people always like the festive colors of red and purple, many of them are required to be designed as a bright red color when designing advertising screens. Therefore, the amount of yellow ink output will be larger than other colors when printing. And we know that the life of the printhead is directly proportional to its ink output, which is the main reason that the yellow printhead is easily damaged.
2.If there is a problem with the car board, it will also cause this phenomenon.
3. The quality of ink is often problematic. Because the inkjet market is fiercely competitive, some inkjet companies will choose some unbranded inks to reduce production costs. Although the ink prices of these small factories are very low, the quality may not be guaranteed Sometimes, the instability of the ink quality of special colors can also cause this phenomenon. The loss of using of such inks actually outweighs the gain, so it is recommended that customers choose the famous brand inks with guaranteed quality.
4. The problem of the contact belt. If there is a problem with the contact belt of a certain color, the contact failure will also cause the phenomenon that the printhead is easy to burn.
Srotmjet Wide Format Printer

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