Stormjet eco solvent printer maintenance in summer

Zhengzhou New Century Digital Technology Co., Ltd.

 Summer is coming, everyone should also pay attention to cooling down Stormjet eco solvent printer. High temperature will affect normal operation of car sticker printer, and some printing failures, such as nozzle missing, disconnection, etc., so it is necessary to take some cooling measures for Stormjet eco solvent printer in high temperature weather.
Car Sticker Printer
1. First of all, in addition to high temperature of weather itself, Stormjet eco solvent printer will also generate some heat during normal operation. When heat accumulates to a certain level and cannot be dissipated in time, chip, electronic components and circuits of car sticker printer will be easily damaged. Therefore, it is recommended that you install air conditioners in room and control ambient temperature between 15℃-30℃.

2. Secondly, if there is no air conditioner in working environment of Stormjet eco solvent printer, it is recommended that you open doors and windows for ventilation, and then equip with an electric fan to dissipate heat generated by printer in time. Electric fan should be specially equipped with a power strip. Do not use a power strip with Stormjet eco solvent printer to prevent power strip from being too heavy and causing safety hazards.

3. In addition to high temperature in summer, it is also rainy. Humid weather will affect normal use of Stormjet eco solvent printer. It is recommended to use a dehumidifier to dehumidify. At same time, main body of car sticker printer should be covered to prevent moist air from invading related circuit boards and components. If air humidity is too high, it will also affect drying speed of screen. In order to prevent ink from sticking together when printing picture is not dry when winding, it is recommended to use a cold fan for air drying.
Stormjet Eco Solvent Printer
Zhengzhou New Century Digital Technology Co., Ltd (Stormjet integrates R&D, production, sale and service, and adopts the newest and the most pragmatic technology into printers through cooperating with world famous printer head manufacturers, and software suppliers.

Till now, we have independently researched and developed stormjet eco solvent printer,stormjet digital advertisement printer,etc., which are exported to Europe, America, Middle East, Southwest Asia. Besides, stormjet printer established distribution network and service systems in several countries and regions.
Stormjet Eco Solvent Printer Factory

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