The maintenance manual of the printing machine pringthead you must know

Zhengzhou New Century Digital Technology Co., Ltd.

The printhead is the core component of the stormjet digital ink printer, and daily maintenance is indispensable. What are the main points of maintenance of the printhead of the digital printer, and how to maintain it to prolong the life of the printhead more effectively? Friends who don't know yet, come and get this printing machine maintenance manual!
1.The pritnthead should be cleaned regularly to prevent the ink from solidifying and blocking the nozzle. For regular cleaning, use the cleaning function provided by the device. When the spray head is severely clogged, it is necessary to put the spray head into the cleaning solution for cleaning.
2.Do not mix different inks. There are many brands of printing machine inks on the current market. Different brands have different ink composition ratios. When inks of different brands are mixed, a chemical reaction may occur between the two, causing precipitation and clogging the nozzle.
3.Pay attention to adjust the nozzle. Regardless of whether to replace or fine-tune the nozzle, do not use brute force, please treat the nozzle carefully according to the specifications.
4.When the power is not turned off completely, install or disassemble the circuit of the printer at will. This wrong operation will damage the service life of various systems of the stormjet digital ink printer, including the printhead.
Stormjet Digital Ink Printer

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