The setting of the printing lamp effect of the outdoor advertising printer

Zhengzhou New Century Digital Technology Co., Ltd.

 Many advertising companies use piezoelectric printer to print out beautiful advertisements, and they will use lamps during the production and installation of advertisements. The outdoor advertising printer prints out the image screens on the lamps, which not only has a beautiful effect, but also have high quality.

Lights advertisements are also displayed everywhere around us. For example, subway stations, commercial pedestrian streets, shopping malls, supermarkets, bus stations, etc. are often used to display lamps and light boxes. Lamps are divided into positive lamps and back lamps, and their print settings are also different, but no matter which kind of lamp, the display effect is very satisfactory, and it is also easy to attract people's attention.

When making the advertisement screen, especially when the back lamp is printed out in the outdoor advertising printer, you should pay attention to the use of mirror printing. The specific method is: check the "mirror" in the software printer settings. The layout is centered on the right, and if the mirror is still on the left, the screen may not be completely sprayed, especially when the screen and the paper width are relatively close. The image is printed after setting the mirror image in the Maintop software, so that the printed image can be viewed from the back, the effect will be more obvious, especially under the transmission of light, it is very beautiful. If it is a positive lamp, you don't need to set the mirror image, just typeset and print.

In addition, after the printout of the piezoelectric outdoor advertising printer, the lamp should be placed well to avoid scratching when the ink is not completely dry, causing damage to the image screen and affecting the image effect. In addition, when the lampes are fed downward, do not allow them to overlap, one is that creases are easy to occur, and the other is that it is easy to stick the wet ink together.
Piezoelectric Outdoor Advertising Printer

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