The working principle of printer encoder

Zhengzhou New Century Digital Technology Co., Ltd.

What is a printer encoder? Encoder is also an important component in a printing machine, so what is the role of a printer encoder? Let's talk about the principle of it.
If you look clearly at the printer machine, you will find that there is a transparent film behind the printhead. When Fedar printer machine is working, the car will move around the encoder. The encoder is this transparent film. If you look closely at the grating, you can see that it has dense vertical lines on it.Encoder refers to a plastic material that has one side extruded into a cylindrical line, and the cylindrical lines are equally spaced, and the other side is a flat. This encoder flat can be used for printing.Encoder is mainly used for positioning. The interval between the two vertical lines on the grating is a unit size. The encoder decoder measures how many vertical lines the cart has moved, thereby measuring the size and position of the cart's movement.The encoder does not need to be intentionally maintained, as long as the surface is clean. In use, if the raster is dirty, the count will be inaccurate, and the printed characters will be partially left and right or up and down. So as long as the encoder is free from damage such as dirt and scratches. You don't need to wipe it often. If you need to clean it, wipe it with a non-woven cloth moistened with alcohol.
Fedar Printer Encoder

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