What are the reasons for the printer to burn the nozzle?

Zhengzhou New Century Digital Technology Co., Ltd.

The piezoelectric printer’s stability and durability have been greatly improved. However, for some novices, some problems will be encountered,and the lack of common sense and misunderstanding often lead to burnout of the nozzle. Here, Stormjet summarized several common causes of the burning of the piezoelectric printing machine.

1.Ground wire. The main purpose of grounding is to prevent the static electricity accumulation of the stormjet printer. Once excessive static electricity is difficult to discharge out of the machine body, it will cause problems such as burning nozzles and board cards. 

2.Voltage and current overload. This kind of situation occurs in the peak period of electricity consumption, especially in summer, please be sure to install a 5000W voltage regulator to prevent it from happening.

3. Switch on and off frequently. The current at the moment of start-up has an impact on the machine itself. Frequent switching on and off will only increase the burden on the nozzle and even burn it. The recommended interval is five minutes. 

4. Ink tube air. The air bubbles in the ink tube are the culprits that cause the nozzle to burn empty. Therefore, it is very important to master the correct add ink skills!

5.High temperature. The main performance is: long time overload operation or room temperature is too high, it is recommended to shut down or turn on the air conditioner to reduce the temperature. 

6.The board has ink. The ink used in the outdoor printing machine has a certain degree of corrosivity. Dropping on the board will not only cause corrosion, but also cause problems such as short circuit and burn-in problems.

Avoiding the burner of the print head not only requires the operator to standardize the method of use, but also requires developing good maintenance habits.
Stormjet Piezoelectric Printer Head

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