Solutions of large format vinyel printer printing always rubbing paper

Zhengzhou New Century Digital Technology Co., Ltd.

 When using the large format vinyel printer to print, sometimes the large format vinyel printer always rubs the paper. What is the cause of this fault? Today Stormjet printer will analyze the cause and solution.

Nowadays, most advertising shops and other industries use large format vinyel printer. During the use of large format vinyel printer, they may encounter paper rubbing problems during printing. The reasons are as follows:

1. Print image skew. There are two possible reasons: one is that the large format vinyel printer encoder strip is dirty or broken, and the second reason is that the large format vinyel printer servo motor is broken.

2. If the large format vinyel printer copper sleeve is loose, it is recommended to add some oil to see if it still does not work, fix the copper sleeve with glass glue so that it will not fall off.

3.The height of the large format vinyel printer car is too low, and the distance between the car and the paper is too small. Lower the height of the large format vinyel printer car, generally the height of a coin is moderate.

Often by checking the above three items, the problem of rubbing paper during printing on the large format vinyel printer will be solved smoothly. At the same time, large format vinyel printer group would like to remind you that you can check and wipe off the encoder strip or check the servo motor and check whether there is any looseness when the belt is moving. It is very important to keep the large format vinyel printer clean.
Large Format Vinyel Printer

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