What happens when a UV flatbed printer often hits the printhead?

Zhengzhou New Century Digital Technology Co., Ltd.

 During the daily use of uv flatbed printers, if you do not pay attention to the maintenance of it, there will be some problems with the uv printer after a long time, which will affect the progress of production. So the UV flatbed printer often hits the printhead, what's the matter?How to solve the problem?
1.There may be foreign objects inside the uv flatbed printer. For newly purchased printers, users are not very familiar with UV flatbed printers. Not all packaging materials are removed. Foreign objects inside the printer will also cause the UV flatbed printer to hit the printhead. Therefore, the newly purchased machine must be removed in accordance with the requirements of the user manual.
2.The lubricating effect of lubricating oil is weakened. After the uv flatbed printer has been used for a long time, the guide rail should often move left and right, which will weaken the lubricating effect of the lubricating oil on the car of the uv flatbed printer. The phenomenon of hitting print head impact.
3.There is too much dust on the UV flatbed printer. If you do not pay attention to indoor cleaning, a lot of dust will fall on the uv flatbed printer over time, causing the friction of the car on the guide rail to increase, and the phenomenon of hitting print head impact.
So in order to reduce the occurrence of these situations, how should we maintain the UV flatbed printer?
1.When using uv flatbed printers normally, the printer should be placed in a normal working environment, and the temperature of the operating room should be kept at 25-35℃, and the relative humidity should be 35-65%.
2.Use the three-phase power plug correctly to ensure that the printer power supply is properly grounded.
3.Static electricity will interfere with the normal operation of the printer,so it is necessary to prevent electrostatic interference. Operators should wash their hands before operating the printer, and strictly follow the operating instructions in the manual. Once there is static interference, stop the operation immediately and check the current working environment.
How to Solve the Problems of Printhead

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