What should I do if the UV printing coating fades?

Zhengzhou New Century Digital Technology Co., Ltd.

Due to the unique corrosiveness of UV ink, it can adhere well to the surface of the printing material, eliminating the process of adding a coating to most printing materials, greatly improving production efficiency. Although most of the materials printed with UV printers can be coated free. However, materials with high hardness, such as metal, glass, and ceramic tiles, generally require the addition of UV coatings. But in the batch printing process of industrial production, it is inevitable that the UV printing coating will fade. So what should I do if the UV coating fades? Stormjet UV printer manufacturer will analyze it in detail.

1.the problem of coating
Different coatings target different materials. For example, the UV coating for glass printed on glass is certainly not fading, but if the UV coating for glass is used on metal, it will fade. Therefore, first confirm whether the coating is specially provided by the UV printer manufacturer. If it is not,it certainly cannot improve the adhesion of the UV coating to the printing of specific materials. Therefore, special coatings are required for UV printed coatings.

2.the problem of ink
If the ink supplied strictly specified by the UV printer manufacturer is used, generally speaking, there will be no problem in the processing of coating and varnish during printing. However, if you replace the ink without permission, it will cause the adhesion of the entire UV coating to decrease, which may even cause blockage of the ink system.Therefore, the choice of ink also affects the adhesion of the coating.

3. the treatment of coating
Some UV coatings can be printed directly after wiping directly on the surface of the material, but some UV coatings are not. For example, after the common metal coating is wiped, in order to improve the adhesion, it needs to be placed in the oven for about 5 minutes to bake. Therefore, if the coating discoloration problem occurs, it may be that the coating pretreatment of the printing material is not done well.
Stormjet UV printer manufacturer

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