When servicing the printer, choose the automatic cleaning function or the manual cleaning function?

Zhengzhou New Century Digital Technology Co., Ltd.

Usually use stormjet digital printer to print out the picture,we may encounter problems such as nozzle missing and nozzle clogging during the printing. Therefore, the automatic cleaning function of the print head will be provided in the digital printer. When we encounter the above problems, As long as it is cleaned in time, it is easy to solve.
However, the maintenance of the print head of the stormjet digital printer cannot only depend on the automatic cleaning function of the printer, and the cleaning and maintenance of the printhead must be done manually when necessary. For example, when the automatic cleaning cannot solve the problems of nozzle missing and plugging, not only the problem cannot be solved, but also a lot of ink will be wasted in the cleaning process. At this time, manual cleaning is required to solve the problem. In addition, automatic cleaning can not completely replace manual cleaning and maintenance, such as residual ink on the surface of the nozzle, the filter is not clean and other problems, the automatic cleaning function of the printer cannot be solved, and the operator must manually clean and maintain.
Printhead Automatic Cleaning Function

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