5 tips for color shift of digital printing machines

Zhengzhou New Century Digital Technology Co., Ltd.

 1.Printer self-test
The stormjet digital printer self-test includes settings such as printhead calibration and print head cleaning. These self-tests can help users determine whether the printer can generate colors correctly.
2.Checking Printer driver
Printing preferences in most printer drivers provide color matching options that allow users to make subtle adjustments in each color.
3.Working area light
The light in the working environment is equally important. Some surrounding or dazzling lights will cause users to have adverse influence on the display color of the display. When comparing the printout with the display image, the difference cannot be accurately observed. Therefore, the light effect in the working area and the brightness contrast adjustment of the display are also very important.
4.Graphics driver
The color information of some color printer drivers is read from the graphics card in the computer. If the colors cannot be matched correctly and completely, users may consider upgrading the computer's graphics card driver.
5.Paper and ink problems
Print media such as some glossy photo paper can not be exposed to sunlight for a long time. The inappropriate of temperature and humidity will also affect the normal performance of the color; in addition, the print quality will also be affected by the use time of the ink. Ink cartridges will have an expiration date. If the expiration date of the ink cartridge is exceeded, you should consider replacing the ink cartridge.

Stormjet Digital Printer Head

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