Five kinds of wrong operation of the print head that can not be ignored

Zhengzhou New Century Digital Technology Co., Ltd.

The Stormjet digital flag printer print head can be used for a long time if it is used and maintained correctly, but due to some incorrect details, the service life of the print head is greatly reduced. Let me share with you the following five kinds of wrong operation of the print head. I also hope that you can avoid these points in your work.
①Soak the print head in the cleaning fluid.
The cleaning fluid is corrosive, so it is recommended to only take an appropriate amount into the print head for cleaning.
②Feel free to refill different batches of ink, or use inks of inferior quality.
The mixing of two different configurations of ink will change the color and quality of the ink. Insufficient quality ink will affect the printing effect and block the print head. There is also an unqualified cleaning fluid that may corrode the print head.
③The use of external force is not standardized to adjust the position of the print head.
Regardless of whether to replace or fine-tune the print head, do not use brute force, please treat the nozzle carefully according to the specifications.
④When cleaning, do not pay attention to protect the circuit board and other internal systems.
Please turn off the power when cleaning, and be careful not to let the water touch the circuit board and other internal systems.
⑤Install and disassemble the circuit of the stormjet digital flag printer at will without turning off the power switch and cutting off the main power supply. This behavior will damage the service life of each system and harm the print head.
Stormjet Digital Flag Printer

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