Solutions to common faults of digital printing printhead

Zhengzhou New Century Digital Technology Co., Ltd.

 When we use stormjet digital printing machines in our daily production, there will certainly be a series of problems. It may be the internal problems of the machine, ink problems, etc., today let us talk about the solutions for the faults of printhead.
1. Print pattern is disconnection.
At this time, we should shut down the running printer for the first time, because the disconnection will cause our products to become inferior. If we choose to continue working, we will only waste ink and paper. After turning off the machine, we can first look at the guide belt and the ink tube, whether there is debris, whether the damper has entered the air, whether the printhead has been used for too long and needs to be replaced, and whether the cap station needs to be cleaned once.
2. The car pauses at both ends of the printed pattern for too long.
Because of the stop of the car, it will cause our production efficiency to drop a lot! So we encounter this situation, we must first stop the digital printer. Checking whether the network cable port is 1000M fiber. Checking whether there are debris on both sides of the fuselage, and whether the computer system memory supports the print driver.
3. Ink dripping
In this case, we should first check whether the printhead is clogged, whether it is cleaned or needs to be replaced, whether the pipes and ink damper are broken, or whether the temperature is too low or too high, and whether air conditioning should be installed. If there is no ink and there is gradation. We may need to replace with new ink.

Stormjet Digital Printer Resolution

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