Reasons for advertising picture printer color cast

Zhengzhou New Century Digital Technology Co., Ltd.

 When many users use the advertising picture printer, the color of the product is different from the original picture, and the color is darker in some places. What is the reason for this? The following are some of the reasons.
1.If you want to compare, you can’t expect that the picture printed by the advertising picture printer is exactly the same as the color on the computer, because the display is RGB true color (wide color gamut), the advertising picture printer is CMYK false color, so the color gamut is narrow.If the software automatically switches the mode, some colors will be lost. This is normal. The general solution is to adjust the color cast. The method is to reduce the amount of yellow in the Y channel and fine-tune multiple times each time. Of course, you can also ask a master to help you adjust the curve and save it when you are satisfied. Just spend some money. Someone specializes in this.
2.Before printing, please check whether the mode of the picture in Photoshop is RGB or CMYK. When you use the advertising picture printer to output the picture, change the mode to CMYK.
3.Color cast is also related to computer color management, display resolution, printer resolution, and print media.
4.If the advertising picture printer you are using requires 4 or more printheads, please check if it is the same brand. Because the ink color of the same brand advertising picture printer has good complementarity and coordination, thus ensuring its color reproduction.
5.Check whether the printhead of the advertising picture printer has nozzle missing and whether the large ink bottle is out of ink.
6.Please check if it is set to the toner saving mode or resume printing.
Stormjet Advertising Picture Printer

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