Using problems often encountered in printer consumables

Zhengzhou New Century Digital Technology Co., Ltd.

 When using the Stormjet digital eco solvent printer, it will inevitably encounter some problems, and I don't know how to solve it, then the following introduces the problems encountered in the use of Stormjet digital eco solvent printer consumables and their solutions.
1.When using light cloth to inkjet, the length will become shorter, which should be said to be an objective fact. Because the light cloth has a certain thickness and unevenness, the actual length measured is shorter than the length of the roller.Therefore, when using light cloth inkjet printing, the length can be artificially longer, basically according to the ratio of 150: 2, that is, 1.5 meters to 2cm and 3 meters to 4cm, 3.04 meters.
2.The outdoor inkjet advertisements have been placed for several months, and the film has produced bubbles, wrinkles or peeling. There are two main reasons for this phenomenon. On the one hand, it may be that the pressure during the laminating process is too small, but it mainly depends on the quality of the film (toughness, thickness, whether it is fast-adhesive or continuous adhesive, etc.), and the quality of the film on the market is uneven, and users must be careful when buying, and do not cause many disputes because of the quality of the protective film.
3.The user reports that the MO. (Pictures made by the Mac) brought by the customer cannot be opened on the PC, which makes it impossible to access this business. There is a special software-"Macopen", so that regardless of Mac format or PC format can be easily opened.
4. When using outdoor coated adhesive film for car body advertising or local spray painting on the light box, the periphery must be sealed and waterproofed (three-second glue, liquid film, waterproof wax, etc. as edge treatment) to prevent lifting.
Outdoor Light Cloth Inkjet

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