What should we pay attention to when changing the damper of printhead?

Zhengzhou New Century Digital Technology Co., Ltd.

For printer users, damper is not strange. Damper is an important small accessory, which can influence the quality of printed picture, however, when we need to change damper?
Damper is a translucent part above the printhead, there is half a bag of ink and a filter. The filter is mainly used for filtering the impurities that ink brings, to reduce the probability of printhead blocking. You will notice that there are too many impurities, damper filter blocking, broken ink in printing process when you have used printer for a long period. For such small trouble, manufacturer generally recommends replacing the damper.
We often see some friends ask, “how to clean damper without replacing it?” As Stormjet manufacturer, we recommend replacing the damper instead of washing it! Methods for cleaning the damper from the internet: We can make out whether it’s the problem of damper or printhead and then prepare a screwdriver, syringes, disposable cups, paper etc., to remove the damper for cleaning. Note: if you are not familiar with this, don't try. Under improper operation, it may be penny wise and pound foolish. For the replacement of damper, the price is not expensive (It’s better to use the damper that manufacturers recommend or use the original damper from manufacturer).

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